Answer – The BhagwanTrivikram doesn’t accept thanks or gifts from his Shraddhavanbhaktas so as to avoid the sin of ungratefulness being committed at their hands. The Trivikram doesn’t expect us to thank Him as according to the laws of the Almighty, the act of thanking by a bhakta correspondingly adds to his merit or the virtue, but if the Shraddhavan forgets to thank the Trivikram, then it may correspondingly add to his sin. And the Trivikram would never like such sin to get added to the lives of his bhaktas.
Whatever we give to the Trivikram, whatever we offer Him should be only done with love and faith or even to fulfil a vow, but not as a note of thanks; it should simply be out of love.
On the contrary, a Shraddhavan should keep offering everything to the Trivikram with love. However, rather than thanking Him, one should keep expressing his love for Him by saying “I love you a lot!” This should be done because the Trivikram likes the most, the feelings and expressions of love, faith, bhakti, loyalty and trust.