श्रद्धावान के जीवन के तीन महत्त्वपूर्ण वाक्य (हिंदी डबिंग)
सदगुरु श्री अनिरुद्ध प्रवचन क्लिप (गुरुवार, दिनांक १६ जनवरी २०१४)
प्रवचन क्लिप टेक्स्ट
तीन वाक्य जीवन में, हमारे, अपने अपने शब्दों में, आपका शब्द ग़लत होगा थोड़ासा, भाव ग़लत होना नहीं चाहिए। पहला वाक्य क्या है? माँ का वाक्य....कि जहाँ से जग की शुरुआत हुई, ‘मेरे बच्चों मैं तुमसे निरंतर प्रेम करती रहती हूँ।’ Ok? दूसरा ‘एक विश्वास होगा पूरा, कर्ता हर्ता गुरु ऐसा।’ और तीसरा वाक्य क्या है? ‘I Love you my Dad always and,...and you are always present, with your Mother, with me. ‘With me', ये भूलना नहीं चाहिए। ‘With me’ जहाँ जाता हूँ वहाँ, तू ही मेरा साथी, चलाते हो मुझे, मेरा हाथ पकड़कर। आया ध्यान में? ये कभी भी भूलना नहीं, उससे कहने को। इस वाक्य का अर्थ पहले बताया गया, क्या? कि मायबाप गुरु, सबकुछ आपकी इच्छा अनुसार हो। यही उसका अर्थ है, और इतना ही नहीं तो और क्या? होगा ही, वैसे ही होगा, यह गॅरंटी है।
॥ हरि: ॐ॥ ॥श्रीराम॥ ॥अंबज्ञ॥
Three important sentences in Shraddhavan_s life
In our life, we must never forget three sentences. Our words may differ slightly but not the heartfelt feeling, the sentiment behind them should not. So which are these three sentences? The first is the promise of the Almighty Mother, the One from whom world originated: “My dear child, I love you always!”.
The second sentence is: “May we have just the one complete trust – firm and unwavering – that it is the Sadguru who is the doer and the Sadguru again, who rids of trouble, of evil and all undesirable as such and so He is also the Protector”.
The third sentence is: “I Love you, my Dad, always and you are always present with your Mother with me”. We must never forget “with me” mentioned in this sentence. Wherever I go, You accompany me, and You walk holding me by my hand.
Do you get it? One must never forget to tell Him to do it, and hence I told you the meaning of the sentence first. This sentence is a prayer to the Protector, the Sadguru. It urges Him to let everything happen as per His wish. Moreover, the sentence holds firm faith and guarantees that everything will, indeed, happen as per the wishes of the Sadguru.